Carlson Civil Suite 2025
Carlson Civil Suite 2025 (ea)
FLT P/N #:CSW2025.001.001
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Your Price: $4250.00

Your Price: $4250.00

Carlson Software’s Civil Suite is a powerful bundle made up of: Carlson Survey, Carlson Civil, Carlson Hydrology, and Carlson GIS. These four civil-related modular programs, working together, will allow you to create all of your deliverables at a fraction of the long-term costs of other software providers.
The Carlson Civil Suite is the civil engineering design software that puts you in the passing lane! What might take days with other civil engineering software takes just hours, or even minutes, with the powerful and intuitive Carlson Civil–it’s advanced technology that will work for you. Work with Carlson Civil on AutoCAD (versions 2010 to current) or with the built-in IntelliCAD 8.1. With Carlson Civil, you’ll get true 3D, easy-to-use 3D, plus, with the updated 3D Flyover, any surface edits made in CAD are automatically updated in the 3D view.
Road NETwork. Build all roads, intersections and cul-de-sacs in 2D and 3D with a single click of the “PROCESS” button.
SiteNET. Elevate your estimating accuracy with this intuitive layer-based surface generator and earthwork calculator.
LotNET. Quickly define an entire subdivision of lots based on an outer boundary, interior ROWs or Centerlines, and a simple set of user-defined “rules,” then pick “PROCESS” and the lots appear, defined and labeled.
Carlson Civil is one component of the Carlson Civil Suite and is designed especially for civil engineers and CAD technicians who need power and flexibility to make “short work” of even the most challenging design projects. At its foundation, Carlson Civil contains sophisticated and integrated command sets that are easy to learn, cost-effective and even fun to use!
The Carlson line of software comes with 64-bit capabilities, is Windows 10 compatible, and works on AutoCAD® and IntelliCAD®.
Choose the suite if you need all of the powerful solutions and save. The individual programs together sell for $5845 or, choose them individually based on the demands of your business. However you use Carlson Software Civil solutions, you’ll find both your creativity and productivity dramatically increased.
Carlson Civil users have an extensive selection of analysis and design tools at their fingertips, including these favorites:
● Road NETwork – Use it for the design of streets, highways, roadway intersections, Cul-de-Sacs, traffic circles and more!
● Lot NETwork – Design and layout of tracts of land including residential subdivisions, office parks and commercial property development projects!
● Site NETwork – Automate the tasks of subgrade design, takeoffs, cost-estimating and surface model generation and migrate this data to GPS-assisted machine control products including Carlson Grade!
● Design Pad Template – For complex grading scenarios involving foundation pads, drainage basins, parking lots and more!
● Project Setups – Flexible data and settings storage
Data Compatibility – Supports industry stand LandXML, plus specific data conversion
CAD Standards:
● Draw Standard Items: Create common CAD entities with pre-defined properties
● Settings Explorer: Manage all program settings from single interface
● Settings Libraries: setup tables for symbols, layers, road templates, etc.
● Data Depot: Document management for work groups and archiving
● Project Sub-Folders: Custom controls of data folders by type
● Road NETwork – Use it for the design of streets, highways, roadway intersections, Cul-de-Sacs, traffic circles and more!
● Lot NETwork – Design and layout of tracts of land including residential subdivisions, office parks and commercial property development projects!
● Site NETwork – Automate the tasks of subgrade design, takeoffs, cost-estimating and surface model generation and migrate this data to GPS-assisted machine control products including Carlson Grade!
● Design Pad Template – For complex grading scenarios involving foundation pads, drainage basins, parking lots and more!
● Project Setups – Flexible data and settings storage
Data Compatibility – Supports industry stand LandXML, plus specific data conversion
CAD Standards:
● Draw Standard Items: Create common CAD entities with pre-defined properties
● Settings Explorer: Manage all program settings from single interface
● Settings Libraries: setup tables for symbols, layers, road templates, etc.
● Data Depot: Document management for work groups and archiving
● Project Sub-Folders: Custom controls of data folders by type
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